Friday, May 10, 2013

Blog Change notice!!

Frustrated by not being able to publish our photos and unable to resolve the issue I have decided to start a new blog which will allow me to share the amazing alps scenes! I will also post photos from earlier in July without the dialogs - it'll be called July xx photo addendum
I will begin with our Geneva departure and add photos. I will not post further at this blog!
Here is the link:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim and Tammy--Joy finally showed me how to do this. Just want you to know how much I am enjoying your trip--hard times(blisters and feet) and great times( great food and new friends). I have had to skip days and then read fast to catch up. I had Austin, Jack, and Paige each for a week and that really put me behind--Plus a week in Mexico. All is well here and hope all is still going as planned for you. Love, Jeanin
