Saturday, May 12, 2012

5/11 Utrecht to Schoonhoven

We woke up late in our upscale cave apartment - - to find our host had dropped off a basket of warm bread to compliment our breakfast. We did a walk around old Utrecht and enjoyed the magnificent cathedral. As we left the wind began gusting so we got to pedaling and pushed a headwind most of the day but with warm air and good sun. We stopped only for a bite in little town where we shared a Calzone before pushing on through the ever lush countryside. Eventually we reached our destination for the day - the lovely picturesque little town of Schoonhoven situated on the Rhine. In fact we had a room at Hotel Belvedere overlooking the endless boat traffic. We walked into town and ended up at a restaurant -" the Waag" - where another great meal went down. Tammy had pork cooked with mushrooms in a red wine reduction, while I opted for salmon with seasonal white asparagus.
The wind/sun combo left Tam pretty burnt but we easily found the necessary creams. Tammy ended the day soaking in a perfume scented bath sipping red wine.

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