Friday, May 18, 2012

5/18 Kalmhout to Brecht - crossing the schijtenveld

Greeted by a pleasant morning, our wonderful hosts  and a beautifully laid out breakfast there was no incentive to leave. But we finally gathered our things and walked off to face the day.
We walked or perhaps I should say hobbled off into our 3rd day of walking. Hobbled from a nasty blister on the bottom of my left heel while Tammy had comparable hotspots. The raininess didn't happen and the warm sun with mildly humid air circulated across the Belgian pastoral landscape and the delivered to us the wealth of smells which rivets ones attention the way ripe manure certainly can. Our pace quickened. Finding refuge in some woods we stopped for a breather - a finer appreciation now for that term. Then onwards eventually dropping off the GR to enter the town of Wuustwezel for some lunch. Really I couldn't just pass by a place named Wuustwezel without stopping by. We found tea room and had some beer and sandwiches. Belgium is famous for their beers and neither I nor Tammy are really beer drinkers. But we have been surprised. I have enjoyed one called Hoegaarden while Tammy found one brewed from cherries called Kriek. Rested and fueled we walked on and finally reached our destination, a lodging called Residentie Boshoevejust outside the town of Brecht. Very adequate for our needs.
The wife of our host prepared a delicious home cooked meal of soup, pork chops with potatoes peas carrots with gravy. A nice tiramisu with ice cream for desert .

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