Thursday, May 10, 2012

5/9 Arnhem-Rhenen

We awoke to hammering rainfall with a thunder and lightning show all snug aboard our exotic floating palace. It moved through - we packed up said our goodbyes and rolled out of town. Arnhem actually has some good hills- read that as bad hills if you are on heavy touring bikes with loaded panniers. We came in over them and the exit route reversed course. So we improved using the GPS and had a comfortable ride out. We passed war memorials dedicated to the huge WW2 battle here as somewhat portrayed in the movie " A Bridge Too Far".
Further on the day grew warm and off came the rainwear. We stopped at a street fair which Tam cruised through and subsequently raved about the cool vintage bargains she saw. Further on there was a castle! We stopped and spent a couple hours touring the place - great photo ops! Afterward we dined in the courtyard cafe sitting on bearskin covered benches. Tammy had an excellent BLT while I had a smoked chicken sandwich. It was SO good - a sad moment when it was over.

We pedaled on to Rhenen under darkening skies and arrived at our B&B Greberood. A large white home tucked along the road was a welcome sight as the skies ripped loose. We got cleaned up went downstairs and were joined in discussion by our hosts Ina and William. Ina you should know is of Indonesian descent and was a champion bodybuilder- she still trains in her modern facility right in the B&B. Our hosts brought out some great French wine and we all warmed to one of those open free ranging discussions that a traveler loves. In the very late evening we finally excused ourselves to bed exhausted satisfied and happy.

Sent from my iPhone

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