Wednesday, May 23, 2012

5/22 Extra rest! In Diest.

We were quite footsore when we arrived at the Carpe Diem the previous night and despite cold soaks, arnica foot rubs, and blister care it was clear these blisters needed time to heal especially with the perspective of an entire summer of walking stretching before us. So I asked out hostess Chantal about bus options to Diest, our destination for the day. She discovered there weren't such good options and offered to drive us there! We didn't want to be a bother yet the offer was hard to refuse. And so after a hearty breakfast, we did a small walking tour to see the castle of the family Merode as well as the town proper. Then at 11, Chantal drove to Diest which also provided further opportunity to find out more about life in Belgium. We have found the people overall to be quite friendly and open about their lives in a refreshing way. Children here study 4 years of English and French so many are quite conversant. On a final note about the Carpe Diem - it's close to the GR5, food and places of interest and quite welcoming to walkers.
Chantal managed to drop us quite close to our lodging called "The Lodge" which I had arranged some time ago via We were able to check right in. It's somewhat upscale in a 13th century Dutch style building. Tam opted for a nap while I went out with the camera. My impression of Diest is of a town of old Europe with its great restaurant ringed central square, city hall and dominating cathedral. I ducked into the latter seeking respite for the thickening heat as well as curiosity. In the cool filtered light of the massive interior I was simply stunned! This is a Gothic cathedral of detailed elegance. A collection of art and a work of art all at once. I had a difficult time remembering to work the camera so amazed by the detail- the photos hardly do it justice.
Squinting back out on the street, I stopped by the Post to purchase a couple boxes to sent home some pack weight. Rousing Tammy we got to it and easily filled both boxes. I hope we purged enough!
We went out for a stroll back to the cathedral of course. This time soft Gregorian chants were playing and the sun had moved so that in places dramatic rays entered. Unforgettable!
We went enjoyed our dinner on the patio of the Lodge Brasserie. And it was indeed enjoyable. Accompanied by some house red wine, Tammy had a wonderfully seared steak and the sample she shared was as good as any I've eaten. For me I had a Scampi salad with melon somehow lightly cooked with honey perhaps? Plate licking good! As the meal progressed so did the sky- darkening with intermittent then continuous thunder. It finally cut loose and we stepped inside to enjoy it along with a chocolate mousse we shared for desert. Quite satisfied we retired early.

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