Wednesday, May 23, 2012

5/23 Housekeeping in Diest

Like the title says, we spent the morning off to the laundromat.passing through town a large street fair was on. The central square was jammed with long low slung trucks which opened up as shops mostly for clothing. On the way back through they were quietly packing up and leaving and by noon they had moved on.
We labeled our boxes and took them to the Post and sent them homeward. We finally had a forgettable lunch of tasteless sandwiches then walk over to tour the Beguinage of Diest. A Unesco world heritage site it was a movement for pious women spanning 8 centuries.
Tammy wanted to experience massage here so we scheduled and took a taxi to a nearby spa. I blogged while she enjoyed ( with caveats) her massage. Later we had dinner back at the Beguinage where there was a restaurant Gastof from 1618.
I had a traditional dish- beef stew. It was a little sweet ,cooked in beer. Tammy had fajitas! Superficially the were like the fajitas in the states- except no wraps, or anything remotely spicy. There was extensive seasoning with paprika which seems common here .
Home and off to bed early!

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