Monday, May 28, 2012

5/27-5/28 Maastricht Holland & Aachen Germany.

With blister healing in mind we hopped on a bus and within 30 minutes were out of Belgium and back into the Holland town of Maastricht. Immediately noticeable arriving was the vast number and complexity of the bicycles and supporting infrastructure. The architecture mix new and old was distinctive as well.. . Odd how things change crossing an un-noticeable border.
Way too early for check- in,we parked our packs at the hotel and walked/hobbled through the beautiful morning air to a nearby art museum - the Bonnefantenmuseum Art Museum with its signature architecture. We spent most of our day there. There was a visiting exhibit of Turkish art which included some impressionist pieces I enjoyed.
Checked in back at the hotel, Tammy did blister care while I checked out the rest of the town in part to see the sights but also to find a drugstore. Here is the deal - Holland / Belgium/ Germany - except for restaurants and reduced scheduled transport EVERYTHING is closed. And this was a holiday weekend. Memorial day in US there is Whit Monday in these countries - a religious holiday we don't observe. So ditto for Monday shopping / supplies.
On Monday we bussed early to Aachen Germany - line 50 and 11 euros and we were there in an hour. we taxied to the hotel - All Seasons Aachen.
Again too early to check in, we wandered over to see the famous cathedral - the main reason for the visit. But first we had some lunch at an Italian street cafe. Tammy had an excellent stuffed asparagus ravioli while I enjoyed a chicken salad all washed down with a big San Pelegrino. ( it's still hot and you have to keep drinking) At the cathedral we were not disappointed. Built around 800 AD the interior has Roman/Byzantine influences and remarkable unique details such as 30 million mosaic tiles, the gold sarcophagus of Charlemagne, and is throne. Note- take the inexpensive English guided tour to see everything! Some serious history !
We finally checked in to the hotel then rested up a few hours before heading out to dinner. We searched for some traditional German food and finally settled on a spot near the town hall. Tammy ordered an interesting beer - a blend of wheat beer and grapefruit juice - while I had a great wheat beer Paulaner. I had an interesting solid heavy skillet style meal of beef and potatoes / vegetables plus light gravy. Tammy had Steak & Potatoes with sour cream. No room for desert! Ambled to the hotel in the warm evening breeze  and sleep.

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