Monday, May 21, 2012

5/20 Zoersel to Noordwijk a long hot day.

Got up still bothered by blisters with Tammy in the same boat. After breakfast we started out with our Dutch friends but it became quickly clear it was going to be a slow go and they had a train to catch. So we bid them adieu and soldiered on at our own pace. We passed more beautiful horses and stopped at a horse arena for a refreshment. The horses seem much taller then the US equivalent. We started the morning with a light shower and warm muggy air with haziness looking across the landscape. Very much like a cooler summer morning in the American Midwest. Moving through a wooded area we saw some gigantic intensely fragrant honeysuckle ? As we reached and slowly worked our way around the town of Grobbendonk the heat soared as the sun burned through. At 2 pm and we were famished and thirsty so we dove into the first place we came to which was burgers and fries (the meat was odd -almost like sausage- horse I suspect). We gobbled them down and then continued on crossing another shipping canal and a freeway. Before the trip I had attempted to break up a long segments of walking and estimated we had about 2 hours to go. I was wrong - it took 3.5 more as our feet hurt and we slowed down. I didn't have a handle on the route and at one point flagged down a biker who then conferred with another to direct us on our way. Off course, no GR signs to be seen, exhausted - it wasn't a confidence builder for Tammy who suffered in silence- but clearly suffered. We eventually collapsed into our B&B Het Wouwe which was great. Near the trail, this is  a good walkers lodging with gracious hosts. We obtained a basin and soaked our aching feet in Epsom salts and did blister maintenance . Trashed completely,too sore to go out to eat we made do and dropped off early.

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