Saturday, July 14, 2012

7/11 Col du Calvaire to Le Hohneck

It rained overnight sporadically and the semi overcast sky was full of wind moving the clouds close by at this elevation. We set out with MASSIVE sandwiches on rye for a change & tomato too! Back up the hill the GR descends then climbs back to the rim above the Lac Blanc cirque. Finally saw briefly saw the lake before walk across the Gazon Faing - a natural preserve of windswept treeless grassy / boggy ground - very windy with the eating clouds had us in rainwear but it never really did more then spit. The route just follows the ridge dipping into the forest at low points then climbing out again. Beautiful open scenery and fine walking. The forests are of an interesting tree- beech?-, stunted seemingly with no understory except dead brown leaves. I found the moss and lichen covered bark to be beautiful and I really enjoyed these forests. Somewhere past Lac Verte in the wind shadow of a chair lift structure we paused and devoured lunch as well as a day old baguette which with some honey was serviceable. Finally we reached the Col de la Schlecht where there was a restaurant open and a souvenir stand with chocolate bars and a map I needed. Tammy had a latte while I had a Leffe beer - good but the wrong thing when you are about to climb. Which we then did and eventually the green mountain of Le Hohneck appeared. The sun had come out but the wind intensified. A hiker warned us to hold onto our hats and took our picture -I  gave him a blog card. We kept going up past the CAF refuge another couple told us about - another blog card out to them! Reaching the base of the final ascent after some intoxicating scenery and photography delays we turned left with the GR. Mistake! The GR branches here, this turn runs below the summit and our hotel. A little further on it turns up and over the summit rejoining the first branching turn at the pass below. So we did a tiring backtrack up wind to finally climb to our destination. While Tammy cleaned up I went out and checked the sights. Here I spotted a walker and introducing myself met Nick, a Dutch walker out for 4 weeks on the GR. he was camping. We figured we would meet later as in fact we did. The restaurant hotel was warm and tight with great views. The workers couldn't or chose not to understand us well but everything turned out with a hearty dinner as well. The wind intensified. I had cracked a window for some air which whistles a little but with earplugs all seemed well . In the middle of the night though the thing blew open right next to the bed. I hazily/barely remember waking up enough push it shut and instantly back to sleep. Tammy remembers the Germans hollering in English to close the window and pounding loudly followed by "thank you" after I shut it. I remember nothing of this. Tammy slept poorly with the wind and the Germans looked like they didn't sleep at all the next morning.

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