Thursday, July 19, 2012

7/16 Rouge Gazon to Giromagny / Belort

Today's segment ends in Giromagny but in planning the next couple of days, accommodation was difficult to locate and I wanted to visit Belfort. So I planned in advance to walk to Giromagny then bus to Belfort directly at days end. And so it went. The morning was crisp 6C with a blue sunny sky. We followed the blue/white/blue rectangle behind the building up and over the ridge and easy down to the GR in open meadows. Then the route continues to roll along the ridge up and down along the crest sometimes breaking out to views down to lakes in the valley. The ups and downs were sometimes steep and long and it took us 3 hours to reach Ballon D'Alsace. We found a bench near the top out of the wind where we enjoyed our lunch with sunshine, big views as far back as Grand Ballon and satisfaction of almost finishing the Vosges mountains. We viewed the placards and distance markers before walking off the top heading south. Several restaurants were on the south west side of the mountain but we continued on through open meadows along the ridge but down ward overall.after crossing a road we passed winter ski huts but trended upwards over a prominence with a Madona above the GR. I went up for a great look back to the Ballon. While Tammy rested in the meadow below. We rejoined and continued onward past the wreckage of a farm. Just past a sign indicates the GR5 becomes once again a white over red slash and continues on down to the right. The red rectangle route still exists and this route continues up to the left. We later found out our Dutch acquaintance Nick missed this and walked 2 hours onwards in bad weather before discovering his mistake and backtracking. Steep and long down through the forest our feet took a pounding. We reached a sign indicating a Gite to the right in 5 minutes with Giromagny 35 minutes ahead. Five minutes later at the Col St jean the sign said 1hr 30 minutes to Giro..! What!?! We pushed on and the 30 minutes is more accurate. Heading to catch the bus at the Marie we came upon a bus stop for #30 Optymo line to Belfort. And instantly there was the bus, so we got on. But these buses don't take cash!!!? You need a pass card or you can buy a pass by texting with your phone. The driver let us board and we frantically tried with our mobile phone unsuccessfully to buy tickets all the way to Belfort where we finally departed distressed and frustrated by not being able to pay the fare and with  our phone in general.  We walked to our hotel the Kyriad which was perfect. After we cleaned up we went out for Indian food at Punjab. Our waiter was beyond articulate - quick witted and funny, he made our evening fun and memorable for more then just the good meal that it was.

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