Saturday, July 21, 2012

7/19 Abbevillers to Saint- Hippolyte.

Up the next morning we taxied again (€€!) to Abbevillers and with our full load headed south on the GR - less then a mile and there was Nick again sitting in the grass. ("You guys are late") So we walked together out of town down into the woods with the occasional clanging of cowbells. The day was overcast but the temperature perfect for walking. We passed along a pretty quiet stream and at one point a massive forest ant mound built around and taller then a fence post- the ants flooding the trail- no lingering here! Then a long steep climb took us up to the Swiss border which we then traveled for a couple hours passing old and new border-stone markers. Easy walking along here but sometimes into open fields where the GR signs were less obvious. A picnic table in the woods was an obvious spot to break for lunch. Moving away from the border we descended into a small village which - sadly - lacked a bar/ restaurant for a warm drink. Nick decided to stop and rest awhile as we pushed on. Out of town there is a steep ridge to climb with wind generators an the far end. The climb out was steep trail - to road - back to trail. There is a site of an old castle with a moat carved into the rock. You cross a wooden semi- moss covered bridge which will someday need replacing - I wouldn't want to be the one to bring it down..... The rock here is notably different with limestone cliffs and prominences and the stone white and smooth sometimes a blue-green hue - slick when wet. We paused at such a prominence for a rest and snack - Tammy gave a few crumbs to the ants. We then began a long descent through farmland and woods to the next town of Chamsol which again had nothing open. The markers weren't so good here- at the bottom of a long hill you turn right and go uphill to a road junction and stay left out of town. Descending again you enter a field and between fence and trees begin a very long descent eventually onto an old roadbed. By this time of day we were really tired. At a break by a church overlooking the town of St. Hip. we sat on benches and finally gave in to a nap for half an hour. Not completely refreshed but feet much better we walked into the charming picturesque village of Saint Hippolyte. At our nice hotel we cleaned up then after a couple hours went back into town where we met Nick for dinner. This town seems to be a be a cross roads and traffic sounds bothered my sleep.

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