Thursday, July 19, 2012

7/18 Belfort to Abbevillers

So today's plan was to take the 9:02 train 20 minutes from Belfort to Montbeliard then walk about 8 km to our hotel in Etupes. From there take a taxi to the town of Abbeviller and walk the GR5 back north to the hotel. Then the next day take the taxi back to Abbeviller and continue south. The point was to break up the distance and avoid a 20+ mile day.
We went to the Belfort station early -8:30 - to catch the 9:02 to Montbeliard. But the lady indicated a trail at 8:34 do we hustled to the platform got aboard the train and it departed. Early into Montbeliard we decided to walk around the old town and perhaps see the castle. So we randomly walked a winding route enjoying the quiet old town just beginning to wake up. Sunny and already warm it was pleasant strolling. Finally we decided to loop back, left or right it didn't matter, so we went left over a bridge. We stopped to look back at a fountain in the river and Tammy noticed a backpack under the trees. It was Nick!! - our Dutch walker from days before - what are the chances! So we sat and caught up for an hour, offered foot care supplies, then walked around town together finally touring the castle. The castle hosts an interesting historical collection as we as natural history displays of the area and a bit of local art. The lords of this castle ruled the large area up to Belfort but there were Romans here before them. I always find the antiquity of these places wonderful and intriguing. After the castle we caught a bite at a street cafe- croque Monsieur sandwich for me and pasta for Tam.
We had walking to do and Nick had a city agenda so we parted company. We walked back across the river to catch the bike path opposite the river from the massive auto factory here. Finally onto the street  Google map  guided us to the town of Etupes and our lodging at Vielle Ferme. ( old farm). The day was hot now and it felt good after so many chill days. We noticed a swimming pool and held this thought the rest of the afternoon. We immediately ordered a taxi and off we went to Abbeviller. The cab had to come from Montbeliard and already the 15 € on the meter when it arrived. The total fare was 38€ ! Not cheap but better then a 20+ mile day. ( of course we had to do it again the next day!) so late in the warm afternoon we headed north along the GR back to the hotel. We carried only light day bags and with Abbeyville on high ground we were downhill most of the time. Easy walking! At first we passed farmers bailing hay the old way into blocks with a man riding along stacking them. Then down into woods eventually coming to a rock arch with a Saracen legend. We emerged into the hilly town of Vandoncourt - there was a nice little grocery on the route with fresh fruits, bread and all the staples. In previous years walkers mention a lodging in this town but apparently not anymore- at least none I could find. The happy grocery  woman there seemed very used to walkers. We enjoyed cold drinks, fruit and almond croissants. We moved on downhill to the town of Dashle where we passed a group 4 walkers heading south. Up into the woods then down we linked to a road which led us off the GR and back to the hotel. On arrival we immediately eased ourselves into the pool - what a relief!

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