Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7/21 Goumois rest day!

The title says it all! Exhausted we slept in peacefully and missed breakfast. Finally up, the day was cool and a bit gray but with the promise of sun-breaks. So we walked out to find food- stopping briefly at the church before descending into town. But we noticed some darker clouds and decided to go pick up an umbrella from the hotel. Right back out there was Nick walking down the road. So we all went to town and in true rural French form no food was available just drinks. But a nearby grocery provided sustenance as well as provisions for the next day which we brought into the restaurant and then bought drinks. They didn't care.
Afterward we returned to the hotel and read / blogged and napped all afternoon. Finally we we out for dinner back down to the town - with raincoats as the sky promised a storm. We met Nick and walked over the bridge to Switzerland Goumois and had Fondue on the terrace as the rain bucketed down. It passed by the time we finished and we slogged back up the hill for a good night sleep.

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