Tuesday, July 10, 2012

7/8 Strabourg Rest Day

A Sunday and the day before Ethan and Ciera return to the US. Everybody except Jim slept in and almost missed breakfast. The Internet was up and there was a rush to catch up the blog. Tammy and I purged our packs yet again as we reassessed after our gear acquisitions the night before at Au Vielle Campeur, I scored footbed replacements and we both picked up short gasket like gaiters to keep the trial out of our boots. We sent home our beloved umbrellas due to weight. But I found a smaller lighter one and snagged it - love an umbrella. We finally left the hotel and went to the Cathedral by way of the area called Petit France. Scenic old buildings thronging with tourists. The cathedral is of the beautiful maroon Vosiegn sandstone I have come to appreciate. And it is huge and beautiful, easily swallowing the tourists. Outside sudden wind gusts blew through the streets upsetting vendors and whipping dust.  We bought a Swiss Army knife for Ethan as a remembrance.  We walked back but stopped for a late lunch in Petit France. Back at the hotel everyone napped though I managed a few errands. Only Ethan had any interest in dinner so we hit a Kebab stand that seems common in all the big cities.

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