Sunday, July 8, 2012

7/6 Andlau to Chatenois - by vehicle

This was scheduled as a 30km day visiting several castle ruins. But it became unfinished business. Ciera was footsore and my shin was irritated. So we looked around Andlau a few hours then taxied back to Barr where we did a walking tour. A pizza for lunch then we walked to the train station which was closed for renovation . Unable to buy tickets a worker explains we should by them from the conductor. But when the train came, there was no conductor! So we rode to Selestat for free. There we caught the bus for Chatenois where we had hotel reservations. On boarding the bus the driver had no cash drawer so he let us and everyone ride for free. Very Strange! On the Wine Road, Chatenois is very picturesque though rebuilt after a fire in late 1800s wiped out the town. There is a spectacular church tower on the site of the former chateaux and the double walls/ moats of this site made it a formidable and well known fortress town in the 1300s. Our hotel the Dontenville was quite quaint and the internet, at long last excellent! We dined at the hotel and had a very sweet local wine. I enjoyed the owner and staff here and it servered our needs well. A block away and around the corner on the GR is a hostel which I looked at - college dorm style with rooms of  3-4 beds with in suite bathrooms it could be a good option. A beautiful red sky finished the evening. Unfortunate we couldn't have walked this segment because the hills are dotted with castle ruins.

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