Sunday, July 8, 2012

7/7 Chatenois to Haut Konigsburg then Strasbourg

Evaluating the options we decided to abbreviate the day by walking to the summit castle of Haut Konigsburg then taking the bus to Selestat and train to Strasbourg. This allowed a full day to tour Strasbourg and rest. The climb out of Chatenois was picturesque before entering the forest. After an 1.5 hours we reached the Macaque monkey colony which we toured. They are free ranging and you feed them popcorn by hand. We left our packs in a attended bin. This is a fantastic experience and well worth the time if primates are your interest. The kids felt it was the best part of the trip! We had lunch at the snack cafe before heading onwards. The climb took about an hour 40 minutes. We spent about an hour and a  half touring the castle - the English audio guide helped. They securely held our packs at the concierge booth during the visit. Afterwards the 4 € /person bus whisked us to Selestat station with time to catch the train to Strasbourg. 30 minutes later we were there- hot! After a quick cleanup Tammy and I hit a gear shop for some supplies such as ankle gators to help keep the trail out of our boots. We went out for dinner and ended up having pizza and crepes. Love those crepes!!

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