Friday, June 1, 2012

5/30 Walking Liege to Friapont

We awoke to a grey misty city and after breakfast quickly bought a few things to eat and caught the 410 bus towards Vise. We disembarked at Chattelet before Vise and using google earth guidance followed streets straight up the hill and around to connect with the GR 5 where it passes under the A3 highway. We noted at that point that other GRs share this crossing including the famed Campostella Santiago route which indeed extends up north into Holland. The weather was perfect and what ensued was our best walking day of the trip - and blister free! The landscape south of the Meuse is beautiful rolling hills with interspersed villages, fields and woods. You move through them all working those legs up and down the hills. I particularly enjoyed a piece where we crossed a gate into an open mowed field the path standing out as a greener stripe across it. A wonderful free open feeling across it. We walked by signs of an old fort and sighted a large - out of place- hill which we eventually walked by. Turns out it was old mine tailings. We made a point of stopping and breathing our feet ,which we felt would hold the blisters at bay.  Using a google earth diagram I had saved months ago we went off route to reach our B&B - and it was wrong!! I finally hauled out the phone and called our hostess Katleeen who raced over in her miniCooper. We somehow jumped in with our stuff and she took us about 400 yds downhill to our destination. Converted from an old barn and situated in a speck of a village Katleen and her husband Chris have created a wonderful walkers /bikers destination -Aux Quatre Bonniers. Our hosts cooked us a home made spaghetti dinner and they joined us for wine. They are such fun people to talk too we immediately regretted the fact we were only there for a night. Desert was cherries off their huge backyard tree. In the peacefulness of the setting we slept great after a glorious day.

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