Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6/20 on the trail Rombas to Semecourt

Having scoped out the options we were up early to catch the 8:25 #50 bus back to Rombas where we had left off. This was the plan for the next several days- stay in Metz and commute to the trailheads working our way south. This day was planned to be short as a break- in walk. Rain cool humid conditions - ah - back to the trail! Right at the bus stop was an exotic - smoke? - tree. We picked up food at the Rombas Norma store and then moved out. The rain stopped and the humidity had me rapidly into my t-shirt. Entering the woods we passed either interesting art or a massive climbing wall. Climbing up out of town the kids had a time negotiating the muddy pools which frustrated any attempt at setting a pace through rainforest conditions. The route wastes time going up the hill by first walking a big u around a lake / play area only to return almost where it starts! Just had to only walk across the top end of the lake to be on trail. Eventually reaching a plateau there was a lookout tower up in the fog and Ethan checked it out. We then spent the next couple hours negotiating the sloppy but well marked route. Along the way were ancient stones with the mark of the Templers who made passage here ( if I read the guide book right?) Finally we descended, a washed out but rocky road to a village. The uncharacteristic lack of benches led us to finally sit on a low wall and eat a pick-nick lunch of bread cheese salami and fruit with a square of chocolate for desert. Then realizing we'd lost track of the route, a right turn at the junction took us back within a block. We climbed out of town along a dirt road with a massive red poppy display. Crossing the freeway we then walked the easy brushy road parallel to Fèves Ridge. Above Fèves we left the route and dropped sharply thru the residential street to the bus stop. 50 meters to the junction the bus passed. 2 hours to the next one- grrr - where I sit writing the blog. There is a speedbump in front of this bus stop along a busy street and for the the last last 90 minutes people slow down and have gawked at our muddy spectacle. This has provoked Ethan to make some interesting faces while Tammy and Ciera are crying they are laughing so hard. No boredom here. Finally bused an hour back to town and the cleanup adventure. Clothesline strung in the room. We went to the Jeep restaurant where Ethan vacuumed up just what he needed. Tomorrow we do it again busing to where we left off and hopefully a bigger push again with light packs.

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