Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6/17. Metz to Paris to retrieve our guests

We slept reasonably well and checked out of the hotel. Our TGV to Paris wasn't until 14:50 so we decided to reconnoiter the town for our later return. The sun made a warm appearance for our exploration of the central area. Like every large city we have visited, there seemed to be significant street renovation in progress. The town feels like 1700s old with narrow streets, old window shutters and warm blond stone buildings. We liked it immediately ! Some old military buildings have been somewhat refurbished and the cathedral is vast, and uncrowded. Memorials to the war here and there.
Back at the station we boarded the TGV and off we went at 200mph for the one and a half hour trip to Paris airport. The speed is impressive and the comfort at that speed all the more so. Much preferable to plane travel.
The train took us directly to downtown Paris Gare du Est NOT the airport!!??!!
Back in the planning stage I had thought to come a day earlier but during later revision had overlooked the fact that not all trains stop at the airport. Stressor!! Rapidly consulting a subway map app I sorted out we had to get to the Gare du Nord to catch the RER line to the airport. I had change for that one stop metro leg and we jammed into the car. But then we could not find for some time an open ticket window. The machines take change but not bills ( those exist but rarely) and we have been warned the they will eat US credit cards because we don't have the chip/pin option. We finally found the window where tourists were attempting an english screaming match with the attendant over what sounded like a couple Euros. Amazing! And stressful, knowing the kids had landed and were processing thru the airport. Not having used the Paris transport system for a few years it was a crash refresher course. I had given the kids a backup meeting spot at the Sheradon Hotel right at the airport RER terminus- we finally arrived - they were there, and we were back onto the same train into Paris-- whew!
Into the hotel by beautiful Luxembourg gardens we did a cleanup then headed out for the Eiffel Tower. A beautiful evening in both air temp and light. At the Trochadero, a massive screen allowed lawn viewing of a soccer match with a roaring crowd and heavy security. Nearby people danced Tango and of course the Tower was amazing in the background. Walk up crepes rounded out the experience. Just becoming dark after 10pm the tower lights came on and we headed back for seriously needed sleep.

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