Sunday, June 17, 2012

6/16 Knutange to Rombas then Metz.

We were awoken at 4 am by the sound of heavy rainfall - despite having earplugs in! Back to sleep then up later, the rain still was bucketing but at least not audibly. Tammy really wanted to have a walk . So knowing there was an option to take the train to Metz from Rombas 3/4 of the way along we cast good judgement to the wind and set out dressed in full rainwear with treking poles deployed. Notably the breakfast at the hotel was meager at best as we had been warned would be the standard in France . So having reconnoitered the previous day, we went up the hill past the grave yard once again into to predictably wetter trail. Semi flooded in spots. But after the freeway crossing there is breakout along open fields and welcome roads and the rain eased. Back in woods there were pools but usually easily worked around and the poles helped. Dark and wet, attention is on your feet and not so much on photography. We descended slightly back to town Neuchef, and the route passed an open patisserie where I scored a large ham and cheese to fuel my day! We continued back out of town - another brief stop brought found us being investigated by a curious but not unfriendly dog. It's young owners were out for a walk in the rain as well - a woman in a rain jacket. And a man in a jacket with an umbrella to shelter the cute baby poking out of the top of the coat. Cute! We had a broken chat as we moved along the road to where the route headed back to flooded trail mode. Here the man called us over and using the GPS we worked out that we could stay on the road to the next major cross road then make a left and at the next junction to a 5 way crossing- where we could rejoin the GR. This worked beautifully keeping us off the flooded trail and we were grateful for their kind advice. We would recommend this option if the trails are flooded! It's a grid maze of tree farm roads!
After this you descend on well graded trail through pleasant woods. No bad spots and finally come to a road. The GR then goes off as trail beside the road so we took it concerned it might go off somewhere the road did not. This frustrating decision led us along overgrown sloppy tail and finally back on the road- should have just walked on the road! The road became street in Rosselange and there is left and right turn signs that are missing here- we realized this when the signs vanished so we backtracked and with GPS found where the route turns at the end of a yellow building posted in the photo. It then makes a right turn along a channeled stream and goes behind and above the backyards of the homes eventually reaching the street. We could have just walked down to the street off trail but it might have been difficult to refind it. We finally crossed the river and walked along the bike path to reach Rombas by 2pm. Oh oh - its Saturday no train till 6pm !! We considered the options- the full day walk was to go to Feves and catch a bus to Metz but in low energy and semi drowned neither of us relished that. We spotted a laundromat near the station and arrived at a plan. In a dark bar I bought a beer as restroom access which we used to change out of our soaked clothes. Then off to the laundry! Finally we were on the train where a group of revelers were accosting everyone - especially the girls for a euro donation for their friend who was to be married in the hour. They were a fun bunch who chatted with us wondering why Americans would ever come to The Lorraine? I gave em the euro and they gave me a condom! A memorable experience!
We got to Metz quickly into our lodging. A nearby grocery provided dinner and we were done for the day.

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