Friday, June 15, 2012

6/13-14 Luxembourg City

We awoke to steady rain and with Tammy under the weather as well -worryingly so. We visited with the B7 at breakfast - they were hiking to Remich then returning to Belgium- we have really enjoyed their friendly acquaintance these last few days and will miss them! We bussed to Luxembourg City for a 2 night stay.. and some health care for Tam. We managed another early check in at our hotel the Radisson Park Inn which is quiet, despite being on a busy street near the station.  The manger was great and all over our needs arranging personally for a urgent dental visit for Tammy. We got our maintenance issues out of the way the first day and walked briefly to the city center in cold rainy conditions. We picked up food and ate in. A huge commotion in the street caught our attention - Portugal has won a soccer match and the large Luxembourgian Portuguese populace was going nuts!
We slept in for a rest then enjoyed a huge breakfast selection in the morning. We had nice partly sunny conditions for a change and set out to tour the city. And there is much to see, memorials but also museums, cathedrals and architecture. We ducked into a couple of cathedrals but quickly moved on to the national museum of art. (No photos allowed darn it!) Surprisingly art occupied only a couple upper floors while the remainder is devoted to prehistoric, Neolithic / bronze/iron age and happily Roman culture. If these are of interest this the place to go, and we killed the afternoon there. Not far away we saw the Ducal palace with marching guards harassed by obnoxious tourists seeking photos with them. In late afternoon sunshine we ended up at the Bock Cassemates. On a rocky promentary the hollowed out remains of the former Bock fortress can be explored. Cold and a bit damp underground there are openings where the cannon looked out and some of the views particularly of the Neumeunster Abbey occupied my camera. We kicked back early and watched soccer(football). I was so busy with my other camera I forgot to take phone photos for the blog- sorry!

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