Monday, June 4, 2012

6/2 Spa to Stavelot

After a breakfast we followed the route back into town where we bought groceries for lunch then headed back out of town. Steeply uphill we were rapidly looking back down at Spa before entering the woods. The route continued to climb but tracking along a stream originating in part from intermittent springs you hardly notice . The woods were nice and you cross the stream back and forth on little bridges. Leveling off on forest roads eventually we reached a boggy open area the Fagne de Malchamps. This is a natural preserve and there is a good boardwalk with interpretive signs as well as a lookout tower with great far reaching views - where we rested a bit. We were approached by some walkers who asked about our plans and we had a short talk sharing our past and present adventures. They are doing the GR5 incrementally. We gave them a card and hope to hear more from them! Then we started back downhill leaving the wood we passed thru an hamlet with different stonework quite picturesque - Berinzenne.
We continued down until we reached the valley bottom where we ate our lunch on a bench. Then back sharply up hill along a tree lined path finally reaching a bench with a lookout. We then crossed another soggy bog without the benefit of puncheon amidst stretches of brilliant Scotch Broom. Then back downhill towards Stavelot our destination . Following a stream as we neared town the path crosses the road and descends into a tunnel which carries the stream - you emerge into town! Stavelot is another town of old Europe. The front lines during the Battle of the Bulge with Ambleve across the river, google provides plenty of reference to this. But there is more here - a very old Abby is sited here and the more modern portions have a museum. There is a legend here of a wolf that didn't carry off a farmers child - a good omen and the wolf motif is throughout the town. There is a longstanding carnival which feature participants in white hooded gowns and long red noses. This is related apparently to the monks being forbidden to participate in the carnival and the townspeople mocking them in this way.
When reaching the hotel, which given the proximity to the racetrack I had booked last November, we were told that there were no rooms- it was his -the proprietors fault - he had lost track of the posting and perhaps it was my fault for booking so long ago! Two German guys arrived in the same pickle. He called a lady with rooms to rent and with openings drove us there. She spoke no English but was great, very friendly and glad to have us. Every other room was booked in town for the nearby race event, but she did not have internet - so still had openings.The bed was ok but good enough certainly and very clean. Situated, Tammy caught a snooze while I went out and caught photos. I met up with the Germans doing the same. We had a good talk and they were visiting for the F1 racing that weekend. They made a remarkably generous offer- take us to the races then drop us at our hotel the next night ! As I pitched this to Tam and she had a sparkle in her eye that betrayed her answer. The next walking day was short through the Ardennes and the weather was predicted to be very cold and very rainy. Yes let's go to the Races!

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