Thursday, June 7, 2012

6/5 Burg Reuland to Dasburg Germany

We slept very well and awoke to a cool morning with a sky of scattered clouds. The goats out back were standing still in the sun to stay warm. Leaving the friendly hotel we moved down into the town proper which includes an old castle ruin burnt by the French in the 1700s. The small town is picturesque and we paused several times to look back as we climbed back out of the valley. We crossed high fields descended again through woods and fields then climbed again to descend along a river drainage - the River Our which we were to continue along for sometime. Hungry, we turned off towards a campground advertising a cafe only to be faced with the dreaded gesloten- closed! Back up the hill to the route we eventually stopped at a restaurant in Ouren and enjoyed Sangria, potato soup, grilled ham and cheese and salad. Satisfied we left town to cross the border into Luxembourg. There is a large park with plaques commemorating the European Union. For us the white/red slash marking the GR route were replaced with a yellow dot- unnerving actually after faithfully following the slash markers for weeks. The Compostella route shares this passage with is own mark - like a yellow scallop on its side. The landscape changes dramatically and immediately with the rest of the day in forested valley following beside river .
Wonderful walking. Tammy planted one of the monkeys in a mossy overlook. Eventually the trail climbs up bluffs and down where the river runs near -and  the climbs and descents becoming greater and greater. We hiked up steeply to a viewpoint that prior guidebooks had recommended but it was overgrown and not worthy of the time and effort. We limped across the bridge into Germany - with a spot commentating a US Engineering units efforts to bridge the Our after the war. We climbed sharply reach our lodging hotel Daytona. Basically a roadhouse for motorcyclists we were treated to a home cooked meal of schnitzel with great German beers- Luitpold and D'Achouffe. We had what might have been the best room of the place with en suite facilities and the was very comfortable. The family is very welcoming and trashed as we were by the long day, this was a great place to stay.

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