Sunday, June 10, 2012

6/10 Beaufort to Echternacht

This day began with blue skies turned gray only to finish blue again. We agreed at the end it was one of the prettiest walks in terms of landscape to date. The region is referred to as the Petite Swiss. Basically this area of Luxembourg has a top layer of sandstone which has eroded along steam drainages to yield canyons, outcroppings , and rock faces . We began in Beaufort after picking up lunch at the patisserie. We had to cut through the movie set just as a pretty gal stepped out and passed us heading for the castle. Later research on the movie revealed this to be the actress Emile de Ravin! Wow my first ever actress sighting in a ravine in Luxembourg. You never know what the day will present on this walk!
Moving down the canyon the going is slow with the camera out. You then climb out and over a ridge, drop over into and across the valley. Then sharply up to top out on the other side. We had lunch at the top and the trail became busy. A group of 7 arrived as we prepared to leave and a conversation ensued. They are a Belgian group of trekkers who have approached the GR5 over the years and recently had done Annapurna. They seemed quite fun and we gave out the cards. The trail drops over the hill and eventually reaches an area with active rock climbing - bolted routes - which we enjoyed watching. A very photogenic area. Once again up and out of the ravine and over this time through a town where we saw the Belgian 7 having a beer. They waved us over and bought us one too. Yep they are fun! We continued down the next canyon. Here in a grotto, concerts are held. Beautiful stream hiking was marred only by panic when I discovered I had dropped the IPhone- which had EVERYTHING related to the trip on it ! Dropping everything else with Tam I instantly headed back at a dead run and found it after 75yards! Whew- major panic averted! It could have been kilometers back and never found! Eventually we arrived on a bluff beautifully overlooking Echternacht city. Dropping into town the streets were full of shoppers and a regional festival was on. The town square was great and the Cathedral/Abby originated around 800. We has a forgettable Chinese meal - a dud has to happen eventually...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blog and nice pictures, except for some wellformed B7!!! Hope you both get to Nice in good health, with a lot of happy memories.
    Koen and Anne from Belgium ;-)
