Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6/18-6/19. Paris then back to Metz

After a restful sleep in, interrupted- apparently for some by a massive electrical storm - we did the usual Paris kinds of things. We walked in cold grey skies to see the highlights. Notre Dame swamped in tourists, the Louvre swamped in tourists - Paris - swamped in tourists. I took Ethan to see the museum of Armees - at Napoleans tomb. Way fewer tourists and amazing upgraded displays from my last visit 12 years ago. For four hours we saw every conceivable implement of havoc and war plus the tomb. Well over the top for any young man to take in! We rendezvoused back at the hotel then found late dinner at an Italian restaurant. The next morning we got up, ate then checked out leaving our bags for later. We hustled down early to see the wonder that is Saint-Chapelle but still managed to stand in a significant line. I had a nice chat with an American dermatologist there with his wife and 6 children. Interestingly they had immigrated to New Zealand and that made for interesting discussion. We gave them a card.
Saint-Chapelle did not disappoint and is worth the wait and hassle to see.
Afterwards, errands were run, bags retrieved and the underground negotiated to reach the Gare d'Est & the TGV to Metz. Somnolence made the trip even faster and we checked in and then walk around in the sprinkles. We walked into the cavernous quiet beautiful Cathedral Saint-Etienne where there might have been five other people - no entry fee. What a contrast!! German/ Alsacian food for dinner sort of. Ravioli for the ladies, chicken for Ethan and a regional sampler plate for me. An adequate meal but not what I had hoped for - maybe tomorrow.

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