Saturday, June 30, 2012

6/27 Nancy - Art Nouveaux

The title says it all really. We had discovered during our arrival day that Nancy is renowned as a center for Art Nouveaux and decided to focus on this during our rest day. We put the kids on a tourist tram to see the sights while Tam and I did a tour of the Art N. architecture in the commercial district with the aid of English audio guide we picked up at tourist info center in Stanislas square. Retrieving the kids and enjoying an ice cream was followed by a tram ride to a neighborhood with many Art N. homes. We salivated over these and many pixels were collected. We then walked many blocks to reach the Ecole d'Nancy Museum of Art N. For the lover of this style,  the museum contains a collection surpassing anything I have seen or heard of. Perhaps because I love nature, and the Art N. movement sought to incorporate natural forms and imagery as  key
elements, I found the collection stunning, some pieces almost painfully beautiful..... We stopped for some panini's then  walked from the museum to the home of Louis Majorelle -  a home built for an artist by an artist. We only had a peek insides as it's open to the public weekends. We walked back to midtown taking in more buildings along avenue Foch and marveled at the sublime ambiance of Brasserie Flo. I popped into a salon place and with the assistance is a visiting Australian student had my haircut - short and cool. We ended the day having some excellent tapas at a Spanish restaurant and prepared for the next day of walking.

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