Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6/12 to Ehnen, Luxembourg

It was Tammy's birthday so I gave her a birthday envelope because I knew she would not want to carry the weight of the card :) She seemed to feel better .
We bought some sandwiches for the day and walked to the station where we caught the 8:58 train. We disembarked in the town of Manternacht where the GR5 runs near the station. We had taken 10 steps to get oriented when a car stopped and we were accosted. It was 2 of the Begium7 ( the B7) who were working a car shuttle ahead with their clothes for this days segment. They mentioned the prior day as being a horrible wet walk muddy and dangerous. We were extra glad we had bailed on it after having heard this.
And so we set out as usual straight up hill and then back down to a nice town only to climb again attaining the wooded ridge. We followed this up and down eroded slippery steps with frequent views down to the river bends and the ever more present vineyards of the Moselle. These came to be the dominant landscape. Tammy took a spill on the slippery steps at one point landing on her pack and wrists without grave injury - the trekking poles employed we moved on a bit finally stopping for lunch on some covered benches with a pretty view. We'd just finished our sandwiches and grapes when the B7 caught up to us. I joked with them - where's the beer! - as they charged onwards looking for lunch and wine at the next town. We finally got moving again and after sprinkles and threatening skies the day was much nicer then forecast. Deep in the wine-growing region we moved now through hillside vineyards with sweeping views
along the Moselle and across the river to Germany. Workers were about and it was interesting to watch them. Regularly the route plunged into quaint villages we found to be fragrant with roses. Painted old wine presses were a common decoration in these old towns. Then sharply back up the hills to the views and a thankful breeze.
We moved all day like this having a very pleasurable walk indeed. At last we descended into Ehnen, an old town known for its local wines where we stayed in the old hotel Simmer. The restaurant was sadly closed but a few doors down we had a fine dinner where we tried a wonderful local wine- Auxerrois- the perfect ending to the day.

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