Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6/25 Pont-a-Mousson to Nancy- by train

We slept in - the abbey quiet and restful- it serves as a major conference center. Breakfast was fantastic with protien- eggs& sausage - a treat from the more typical bread intense breakfasts in France. We spent several hours casually looking over the abbey and it's art. A treat for the walker and worth the detour! We then went to the station and took a short train to Nancy. We dropped our bags at the hotel in the old city and explored the immediate area. And there is an abundance to see such as the huge Stanislas square. Restaurants abound and there is a certain elegance yet easiness about this town easy to appreciate and relax in. I brought in take out sandwiches for dinner as everyone was rather still full after a large quality salad at lunch. The day was beautiful and the camera had a workout!

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